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add(Class<T>, Consumer<? super ListenerFactory<K, T, O>>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber.BulkSubscriber
Adds a new listener for the specified event.
add(Class<T>, K, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber.BulkSubscriber
Adds a new listener for the specified event.
add(Class<T>, K, Consumer<? super T>, O) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber.BulkSubscriber
Adds a new listener for the specified event.
allListeners() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Gets all existing SubscribedListeners.
asyncCaller(EventCaller<E>, Executor) - Static method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.caller.EventCaller
Creates a new EventCaller that calls on the given Executor.


BREAK - Enum constant in enum class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler.Result
A ListenerExceptionHandler.Result that indicates that the EventCaller should not post the event to subsequent listeners.
bulkSubscriber() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Creates a new ListenerSubscriber.BulkSubscriber for subscribing multiple listeners at once.


call(E) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.caller.EventCaller
Calls the event.
call(T, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.caller.EventCaller
Calls the event.
caller() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService
Gets the EventCaller of this TreeEventService.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
A Comparator to compare two Priority.
compareTo(Priority) - Method in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
consumer() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.SubscribedListener
Gets the Consumer of this listener.
consumer(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerFactory
Sets the Consumer.
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler.Result
A ListenerExceptionHandler.Result that indicates that the EventCaller should post the event to subsequent listeners.
continueHandler() - Static method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler
create() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
create(ListenerExceptionHandler<K, E, O>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
Creates a new TreeEventService with the custom ListenerExceptionHandler.


defaultOrder(O1) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
Sets the Comparator and the default order.
dev.siroshun.event4j.api.caller - package dev.siroshun.event4j.api.caller
A package for interfaces that call events.
dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener - package dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
A package of the listener related interfaces.
dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority - package dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority
A package for Priority.
dev.siroshun.event4j.tree - package dev.siroshun.event4j.tree
A package of "tree" implementation of Event4J.


equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
EventCaller<E> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.caller
An interface to call events.
eventClass() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.SubscribedListener
Gets the event class of this listener.
eventClass(Class<? extends E1>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
Sets the root event class.


factory() - Static method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService


handleException(E, SubscribedListener<K, ? extends E, O>, Throwable) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler
Handles the exception.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HIGH - Static variable in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Priority value: 64


key() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.SubscribedListener
Gets the key of this listener.
key(K) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerFactory
Sets the key.
keyClass(Class<? extends K1>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
Sets the key class.


ListenerExceptionHandler<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
An interface to handle the exception that is thrown from SubscribedListener.consumer().
ListenerExceptionHandler.Result - Enum Class in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
The operations that indicates what the EventCaller should do next
ListenerFactory<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
An interface to create/subscribe a listener.
listenersFor(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Gets the existing SubscribedListeners for the specified event.
ListenerSubscriber<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
An interface to subscribe/unsubscribe listeners.
ListenerSubscriber.BulkSubscriber<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
An interface for subscribing multiple listeners at once.
LOW - Static variable in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Priority value: -64


NORMAL - Static variable in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Priority value: 0


order() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.SubscribedListener
Gets the order of this listener.
order(O) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerFactory
Sets the order.
orderComparator(Comparator<? super O1>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
Sets the Comparator to sort listeners by the specified orders.
orderComparator(Comparator<? super O1>, O1) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService.Factory
Sets the Comparator and the default order.


Priority - Record Class in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority
An interface to set the listener's priority.
Priority(int) - Constructor for record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Creates an instance of a Priority record class.


RETHROW - Enum constant in enum class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler.Result
A ListenerExceptionHandler.Result that indicates that EventCaller should re-throw an exception.


subscribe() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber.BulkSubscriber
Subscribes added listeners.
subscribe(Class<T>, Consumer<? super ListenerFactory<K, T, O>>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Subscribes a new listener for the specified event.
subscribe(Class<T>, K, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Subscribes a new listener for the specified event.
subscribe(Class<T>, K, Consumer<? super T>, O) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Subscribes a new listener for the specified event.
SubscribedListener<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener
An interface to hold the subscribed listener.
subscriber() - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.tree.TreeEventService


toString() - Method in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Returns a string representation of this record class.
TreeEventService<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.tree
An interface for retrieving an instance of EventCaller and ListenerSubscriber.
TreeEventService.Factory<K,E,O> - Interface in dev.siroshun.event4j.tree
A factory interface to create TreeEventService.


unsubscribe(SubscribedListener<K, ? extends E, O>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Unsubscribes the specified SubscribedListener.
unsubscribeAll(Collection<SubscribedListener<K, ? extends E, O>>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Unsubscribes the specified SubscribedListeners.
unsubscribeByKey(K) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Unsubscribes listeners by the specified key.
unsubscribeIf(Predicate<SubscribedListener<K, ? extends E, O>>) - Method in interface dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerSubscriber
Unsubscribes all listeners that satisfy the given Predicate.


value() - Method in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Returns the value of the value record component.
value(int) - Static method in record class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.priority.Priority
Creates a new priority.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.siroshun.event4j.api.listener.ListenerExceptionHandler.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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