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AbstractCommand - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common
The abstract class of Command.
AbstractCommand(String) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Creates an AbstractCommand.
AbstractCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Creates an AbstractCommand.
AbstractCommand(String, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Creates an AbstractCommand.
AbstractCommand(String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Creates an AbstractCommand.
AbstractFilter<T> - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter
An abstract class of Filter.
AbstractFilter(Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.AbstractFilter
The constructor of AbstractFilter
Argument - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument
Represents a command argument.
ArgumentParser<T> - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser
Parses an argument from a String
AsyncTabCompleteListener - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.listener
A class that enables asynchronous tab completion.


BasicParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser
A class that collect basic parsers.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Boolean
build() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder
Builds the CommandContext
BukkitCommandFactory - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit
The class for registering commands to Bukkit.
BukkitParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
Parsers for Bukkit.
BukkitParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
Parsers for Bukkit.
BukkitSender - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender
A class that wraps CommandSender.
BukkitSender(BukkitAudiences, CommandSender) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
Create Sender to use in the library with a CommandSender.
BungeeCommandFactory - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee
The class for registering commands to BungeeCord.
BungeeParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser
Parsers for BungeeCord.
BungeeSender - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender
A class that wraps CommandSender.
BungeeSender(BungeeAudiences, CommandSender) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Create Sender to use in the library with a CommandSender.


com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit
The package that implements this library for Bukkit.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
The package of classes that implement the ArgumentParser that can be used on Bukkit.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender
The package of classes that implement Sender and ConsoleSender for Bukkit.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee
The package that implements this library for BungeeCord.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser
The package of classes that implement the ArgumentParser that can be used on BungeeCord.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender
The package of classes that implement Sender and ConsoleSender for BungeeCord.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common
The root package of this library.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument
The package of classes relevant to arguments.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser
The package of classes to parse Argument.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context
The package of classes relevant to the context of the command execution.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender
The package of classes representing the commander.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.listener - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.listener
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
The package of classes that implement the ArgumentParser that can be used on Bukkit.
com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender - package com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender
Command - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common
Represents a command.
CommandContext - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context
An interface that represents context of the executed command.
CommandResult - Enum in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common
Enumeration class of command execution results.
CONSOLE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.ConsoleSender
the name of console.
CONSOLE_UUID - Static variable in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.ConsoleSender
the UUID of console.
ConsoleSender - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender
Interface that represents a console.
create(Predicate<String>) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates the StringFilter.
create(Predicate<N>) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.NumberFilter
Creates the NumberFilter.


DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Double


endsWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check if the String ends with the specified String.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check if the String ends with the specified String.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
EXCEPTION_OCCURRED - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If an exception is thrown while executing the command.


Filter<T> - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter
An interface that represents the filter.
FLOAT - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Float


generateException(Argument) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Generates an exception that throws when the parsing fails.
generateException(Argument, Throwable) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Generates an exception that throws when the parsing fails.
get() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Gets this argument as a string.
getAliases() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Gets aliases of this command.
getAliases() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.Command
Gets aliases of this command.
getArguments() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.CommandContext
Gets the given arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
Gets the given arguments.
getAudience() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
getAudience() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
getAudience() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender
getCommand() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.CommandContext
Gets the executed command.
getCommand() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
Gets the executed command.
getCommandSender() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
getCommandSender() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
getIndex() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Gets the position of this argument.
getLabel() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.CommandContext
Gets the string used to specify the command.
getLabel() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
Gets the string used to specify the command.
getName() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
Gets the name of the command sender.
getName() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Gets the name of the command sender.
getName() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Gets the name of this command.
getName() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.Command
Gets the name of this command.
getName() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.ConsoleSender
Gets the name of the command sender.
getName() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.Sender
Gets the name of the command sender.
getName() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender
getOriginalSender() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
Gets the command sender that the instance is wrapped in.
getOriginalSender() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Gets the command sender that the instance is wrapped in.
getOriginalSender() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.Sender
Gets the command sender that the instance is wrapped in.
getOriginalSender() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender
getPermission() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
Gets the permission to execute this command.
getPermission() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.Command
Gets the permission to execute this command.
getSender() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.CommandContext
Gets the commander.
getSender() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
Gets the commander.
getSubCommands() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Gets subcommands that is included in this holder.
getUUID() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
Gets the UUID of the command sender.
getUUID() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Gets the UUID of the command sender.
getUUID() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.ConsoleSender
Gets the UUID of the command sender.
getUUID() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.Sender
Gets the UUID of the command sender.
getUUID() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender


hashCode() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
Checks if the Sender has the requested permission.
hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Checks if the Sender has the requested permission.
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.Sender
Checks if the Sender has the requested permission.
hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender


INTEGER - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Integer
INVALID_ARGUMENTS - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If the argument is invalid.
IS_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
The filter if the String is empty.
IS_NOT_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
The filter if the String is not empty.
isConsole() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Checks if the sender is console.
isConsole() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.Sender
Checks if the sender is console.
isOnline() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.sender.BukkitSender
Checks if the sender is online.
isOnline() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.sender.BungeeSender
Checks if the sender is online.
isOnline() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender.Sender
Checks if the sender is online.
isOnline() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender


lengthRange(@org.jetbrains.annotations.Range(from=0L, to=2147483647L) int, @org.jetbrains.annotations.Range(from=0L, to=2147483647L) int) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check the length of String.
LONG - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Long


MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Material
MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Material
MaterialParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Material.
MaterialParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Material.
MaterialParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.MaterialParser
MaterialParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.MaterialParser
maxLength(@org.jetbrains.annotations.Range(from=0L, to=2147483647L) int) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check the length of String.
minLength(@org.jetbrains.annotations.Range(from=0L, to=2147483647L) int) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check the length of String.


newBuilder() - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
NO_ARGUMENT - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If there are no arguments.
NO_PERMISSION - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If the sender does not have the permission to execute command.
NOT_PLAYER - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If the sender is not the player.
NumberFilter<N extends Number> - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter
A class that implements Filter for the Number.


of(int, String) - Static method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Creates an Argument from an index and a string.
of(Command...) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Create a SubCommandHolder from specified subcommands.
of(Collection<Command>) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Create a SubCommandHolder from a collection of subcommands.
of(Function<Argument, R>) - Static method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Creates an instance of the parser from Function.
OFFLINE_PLAYER - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to OfflinePlayer
OFFLINE_PLAYER - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to OfflinePlayer
OfflinePlayerParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an OfflinePlayer.
OfflinePlayerParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an OfflinePlayer.
OfflinePlayerParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.OfflinePlayerParser
OfflinePlayerParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.OfflinePlayerParser
onExecution(CommandContext) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.Command
The method to call when this command is executed.
onTabCompletion(AsyncTabCompleteEvent) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.listener.AsyncTabCompleteListener
The method called when the AsyncTabCompleteEvent is fired.
onTabCompletion(CommandContext) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.Command
The method to call when command tab completion is requested.


PaperCommandFactory - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper
PaperSender - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender
PaperSender(CommandSender) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.sender.PaperSender
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.MaterialParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.OfflinePlayerParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.PlayerExactParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.PlayerParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.SoundParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser.ProxiedPlayerParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.UUIDParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.MaterialParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.OfflinePlayerParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.PlayerExactParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.PlayerParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.SoundParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parse(ArgumentParser<T>) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument using the specified parser.
parseBoolean() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument to Boolean.
parseDouble() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument to Double.
parseFloat() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument to Float.
parseInteger() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument to Integer.
parseLong() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument to Long.
parseOptional(Argument) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrDefault(Argument, T) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrThrow(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.MaterialParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrThrow(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.SoundParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrThrow(Argument) - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.ArgumentParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrThrow(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.UUIDParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrThrow(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.MaterialParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseOrThrow(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.SoundParser
Parses an Argument to a specified type and returns it.
parseShort() - Method in interface com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.Argument
Parses the argument to Short.
PLAYER - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Player
PLAYER - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Player
PLAYER_EXACT - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Player
PLAYER_EXACT - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Player
PlayerExactParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Player.
PlayerExactParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Player.
PlayerExactParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.PlayerExactParser
PlayerExactParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.PlayerExactParser
PlayerParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Player.
PlayerParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Player.
PlayerParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.PlayerParser
PlayerParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.PlayerParser
PROXIED_PLAYER - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser.BungeeParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to ProxiedPlayer
ProxiedPlayerParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an ProxiedPlayer.
ProxiedPlayerParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.parser.ProxiedPlayerParser


regex(String) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Create a filter using a regular expression.
regex(Pattern) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Create a filter using a Pattern.
register(Plugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.BungeeCommandFactory
Registers the command.
register(PluginCommand, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.BukkitCommandFactory
Registers the command.
register(PluginCommand, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.PaperCommandFactory
Registers the command.
register(Plugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.listener.AsyncTabCompleteListener
Enables asynchronous tab completion.
registerAsync(Plugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.BungeeCommandFactory
Registers the command.
registerAsync(Plugin, Command, Executor) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bungee.BungeeCommandFactory
Registers the command.
registerAsync(PluginCommand, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.BukkitCommandFactory
Registers the command.
registerAsync(PluginCommand, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.PaperCommandFactory
Registers the command.
registerAsync(PluginCommand, Command, Executor) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.BukkitCommandFactory
Registers the command.
registerAsync(PluginCommand, Command, Executor) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.PaperCommandFactory
Registers the command.
registerAsyncIfExists(JavaPlugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.BukkitCommandFactory
Searches for PluginCommand that is named as Command.getName() and register the command if it exists.
registerAsyncIfExists(JavaPlugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.PaperCommandFactory
Searches for PluginCommand that is named as Command.getName() and register the command if it exists.
registerAsyncIfExists(JavaPlugin, Command, Executor) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.BukkitCommandFactory
Searches for PluginCommand that is named as Command.getName() and register the command if it exists.
registerAsyncIfExists(JavaPlugin, Command, Executor) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.PaperCommandFactory
Searches for PluginCommand that is named as Command.getName() and register the command if it exists.
registerIfExists(JavaPlugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.BukkitCommandFactory
Searches for PluginCommand that is named as Command.getName() and register the command if it exists.
registerIfExists(JavaPlugin, Command) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.PaperCommandFactory
Searches for PluginCommand that is named as Command.getName() and register the command if it exists.


search(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Gets the command whose name matches the string contained in the Argument.
search(String) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Gets the command whose name matches the string.
searchOptional(Argument) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Gets the command whose name matches the string contained in the Argument.
searchOptional(String) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder
Gets the command whose name matches the string.
Sender - Interface in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.sender
Interface that wraps a CommandSender that is different on different platforms.
setArguments(String[]) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder
Sets the arguments.
setArguments(List<Argument>) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder
Sets the arguments.
setCommand(Command) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder
Sets the executed command.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder
Sets the string used to specify the command.
setSender(Sender) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder
Sets the commander.
SHORT - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Short
SimpleCommandContext - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context
The CommandContext implementation class.
SimpleCommandContext(Command, Sender, List<Argument>, String) - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
SimpleCommandContext.SimpleCommandContextBuilder - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context
Builder class of CommandContext.
SOUND - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Sound
SOUND - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.BukkitParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to Sound
SoundParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Sound.
SoundParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an Sound.
SoundParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.bukkit.parser.SoundParser
SoundParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.parser.SoundParser
startsWith(String) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check if the String starts with the specified String.
startsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.StringFilter
Creates a filter to check if the String starts with the specified String.
STATE_ERROR - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If the state is wrong.
StringFilter - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter
A class that implements Filter for the String.
SubCommandHolder - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common
A class that holds the subcommands
SUCCESS - com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
If the command is successfully executed.


test(T) - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.filter.AbstractFilter
toString() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.AbstractCommand
toString() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.context.SimpleCommandContext
toString() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.SubCommandHolder


unregister() - Method in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.paper.listener.AsyncTabCompleteListener
Unregisters this listener.
UUID - Static variable in class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.BasicParser
An instance of ArgumentParser that parses an Argument to UUID
UUIDParser - Class in com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser
A class that parses an Argument to an UUID.
UUIDParser() - Constructor for class com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.argument.parser.UUIDParser


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


wasFailure() - Method in enum com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
Checks if it indicates failure.
wasSuccessful() - Method in enum com.github.siroshun09.mccommand.common.CommandResult
Checks if it is CommandResult.SUCCESS, indicating success.
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