All Classes and Interfaces

An interface to represents that Node holds an array.
A FileFormat implementation that loading/saving MapNode from/to binary format.
A Node implementation that holds a boolean array.
A Node implementation that holds a boolean value.
A Node implementation that holds a byte array.
A Node implementation that holds a byte value.
A Node implementation that holds a char array.
A Node implementation that holds a char value.
An annotation for specifying the element type of the collection.
An interface to represent the comment.
An annotation for specifying the default comment.
An interface indicating that the Node can have the Comment.
An implementation class of the CommentableNode to wrap the non-CommentableNode node and attach the Comment.
An annotation for specifying the default boolean value.
An annotation for specifying the default byte value.
An annotation for specifying the default byte value.
An annotation for specifying the default double value.
An annotation for specifying the default enum value.
An annotation to get a default value from the field.
An annotation for specifying the default float value.
An annotation for specifying the default int value.
An annotation for specifying the default long value.
An annotation for specifying the default key to put the default value to the map.
An annotation to get a default value from the method.
An annotation for specifying null as the default value.
An annotation for specifying the default short value.
An annotation for specifying the default String value.
An interface to "deserialize" objects to other types.
A registry that manages Deserializers.
A Node implementation that holds a double array.
A Node implementation that holds a double value.
EnumValue<E extends Enum<E>>
A Node implementation that holds an Enum value.
FileFormat<N extends Node<?>>
An interface for loading/saving Nodes from/to files.
Utility class used for internal processing of this library
A Node implementation that holds a float array.
A Node implementation that holds a float value.
A FileFormat implementation that loading/saving MapNode from/to json files using Gson.
An annotation for indicating the annotated field must be processed as "inline".
A Node implementation that holds an int array.
A Node implementation that holds a int value.
A FileFormat implementation that loading/saving MapNode from/to json files using Jackson's ObjectMapper.
An annotation that tells the serializer/deserializer to use the specified key.
An interface to generated keys from strings.
A Node implementation that represents a List of Nodes.
A Node implementation that holds a long array.
A Node implementation that holds a long value.
A Node implementation that represents a Map (Object - Node).
An annotation for specifying the type of the key/value of the map.
An interface that holds an object or value
A class that provides serialization of MapNode for Jackson.
A visitor of Nodes.
A Node implementation that represents null.
An interface to represent that Node holds number.
A Node implementation that holds an object.
A FileFormat implementation that loading/saving MapNode from/to properties files.
A Deserializer implementation for deserializing MapNode to Record object.
A Serialization implementation for Record class.
A Serializer implementation for serializing Record object to MapNode.
A utility class that provides methods to copy files contained in a jar.
An interface that holds Serializer and/or Deserializer.
A RuntimeException that will be thrown when errors occurred while serializing/deserializing objects.
A registry that manages Serializations.
An interface to "serialize" objects to other types.
A registry that manages Serializers.
A Node implementation that holds a short array.
A Node implementation that holds a short value.
An interface that has the comment as a String.
An implementation of NodeVisitor that represents Nodes as String.
An interface to appends an object to StringBuilder.
A builder class of StringNodeVisitor.
An interface that indicates the Node can be represented as a String.
A Node implementation that holds a String value.
An interface to represents that Node holds a value or value based object.
Results of visiting a Node.
A SimpleComment implementation that holds the block comments in Yaml.
A FileFormat implementation that loading/saving MapNode from/to yaml files.
A builder of YamlFormat.
A SimpleComment implementation that holds the inline comments in Yaml.
A Comment implementation that can have the YamlBlockComment and YamlInlineComment of the node.
A Comment implementation that can have the header and footer of the root node.