Interface FileFormat<N extends Node<?>>

Type Parameters:
N - a type of root node
All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryFormat, GsonFormat, JacksonFormat, PropertiesFormat, YamlFormat

public interface FileFormat<N extends Node<?>>
An interface for loading/saving Nodes from/to files.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default N
    load(@NotNull InputStream input)
    Loads a node from a InputStream.
    load(@NotNull Reader reader)
    Loads a node from a Reader.
    default N
    load(@NotNull Path filepath)
    Loads a node from a file.
    default void
    save(N node, @NotNull OutputStream output)
    Saves a node to a OutputStream.
    save(N node, @NotNull Writer writer)
    Saves a node to a Writer.
    default void
    save(N node, @NotNull Path filepath)
    Saves a node to a file.